When you join Destination Granby as a Gem, you are making an investment in your business through real promotional support and benefits.
Business Owner Resources
As a Granby business, Destination Granby provides free resources and support to you. We will help you integrate into the community so consumers know who you are and what you offer. Make connections that count, increase the visibility of your business, network with other business owners, and access educational seminars to enhance your business.
No more fees. Benefits are provided at no cost to any business or non-profit with a physical location or business license in Granby, CO. ($250 annual fee applies for businesses located outside of Granby,CO.)
Access to your business listing on Destination Granby website where you can update business photos, description, amenities, and link to your website
Invitation to Granby Business Networking meetings and Business Owner e-mail newsletter
Access Event listings on Destination Granby event calendar
Announcements listed in Granby 411 e-mail newsletter and on social media
Business Referrals
Brochures in Granby Information Center
Participation in the following Granby signature events: 4th of July, Halloween, Holidays, and Grubfest
Notification of grant and funding opportunities
Granby is proud to be the only Designated Colorado Main Street in Grand County. The National Main Street Program is a proven method for strengthening the economic and social center of a community. This designation gives Granby access to resources, expertise, financial assistance, and a network of...
Creating a vibrant community is a team sport. Volunteering with the Destination Granby is a great way to make a positive impact! Our small staff of three welcomes you if you have a desire to help with any aspect of our many duties.
Event and corporate sponsorships are a great way to support Destination Granby and gain recognition for your business during high-visibility events.