Destination Granby is proud to support Stand Grand, an initiative to protect our Grand County lands, water and wildlife. Make sure to follow the seven tenets of recreating responsibly:
Know before you go
Plan visits ahead of time. Many of our most popular places require a reservation or a day pass be purchased in advance. Be sure to look at the weather forecast, as well as trail and trailhead information. Tell people where you’re going.
Stick to the trails
Keep singletrack single. Leaving the trail causes braiding and trail widening. Avoid stepping on vegetation if you need to step off-trail to let others pass. Do not cut switchbacks. If you encounter a puddle/mud/snow, go right through it -- not around it.
Trash the trash
Pack it in, pack it out. Put litter, dog poo bags, even crumbs, peels and cores in your nearest waste/recycling bin. NOTE: Most Forest Service trailheads don't have trash cans. Plan to bring all of your trash (and your dog’s!) to your trash can at home.
Keep Wildlife Wild
Always store food in bear-safe containers. Do not feed wildlife no matter how hungry you think they might look. Make sure you know whether it's ok to have a dog on the trails (it’s prohibited in Rocky Mountain National Park), and keep them leashed. Observe all wildlife from a distance and do not follow or pursue them.
Be Careful with Fire
Always check for local fire restrictions. When putting out a fire, water it until you can handle the embers. Never let a fire burn unattended. Always put cigarettes out completely and don’t leave your butts behind.
Leave it as you found it
Keep nature natural. Carving into trees, graffiti, and other "artistic" additions can cause unnatural microhabitats that can be damaging to ecosystems. Leave plants, rocks and historical items where you found them so that others can also enjoy them.
Share the trail
Practice kindness. Almost all trails in Grand County are open to a variety of user types. Please be respectful and courteous to each other. Share our open spaces and do your part to be a good steward of these amazing places.
Please recreate responsibly - learn more at Stand Grand.